NEW ZINE: Hold The Line – two interviews with Julien Terzics of Brigada Flores Magon & the Red Warriors

download zine here

Read interview with Julien about the Red Warriors here

Read interview with Brigada Flores Magon here

Julien Terzics was one of the founding members of the Red Warriors, an anti-fascist skinhead gang in France in the 1980’s. He later went on to form the infamous anarcho-Oi! band Brigada Flores Magon, who recently had reunited to release and tour for their album Immortels (2022). Julien Terzics passed away in late June 2024, leaving behind a legacy of committed militant anti-fascism. This zine is a small contribution to the decades of work Julien put in to rid the streets and punk scenes of Nazi scum, and an effort to make sure his memory lives on in the generations of punks and skins to come after him. When it comes the time, hold the line.