NEW ZINE: The World Opens Up: Recalling the First Days of the 2020 George Floyd Uprising in Seattle
download zine here – The World Opens Up read original article here support prisoners of the 2020 Uprising here As we approach the 4th anniversary of the beginning of the George Floyd Uprising, we wanted to mark the occasion by uploading online a zine we published for the 2023 Seattle Anarchist Bookfair. Nearly 100 copies […]

NEW ZINE: Iranian Anarchists on Protests In Response to the Police Murder of Mahsa Amini
Last month the Black Rose Anarchist Federation posted an interview with Iranian Anarchists on the growing revolt in response to police violence and state power in Iran. Recently our friends at the Bellingham Alternative Library formatted that interview into a beautiful zine, and we are hosting it here for further dissemination. Please download and print […]

Zine: Support Antifa Prisoners
1312 Press partnered up with the International Antifascist Defense Fund to put together a zine collecting addresses and short bios of a list of anti-fascist prisoners across the world. As some anti-fascist comrades will find their sentences expired and get released into the world outside of prison, surely we will also find more of our […]

New Zines for the George Floyd Rebellion
This summer has been tumultuous to say the least. We were lucky enough to pair up with an excellent aesthetic designer and put together a handful of zines that are for and of the national anti-police rebellion that took over cities and suburbs across the country. Attacking Liberal Delusions – zine This zine collects a […]

Memories from La ZAD
This zine comprises a series of articles that appeared in Black Seed #3 in the Spring of 2015, an irregularly produced green-anarchy journal. These articles came from participants in what has become known as la ZAD, a rather large years-long forest occupation in France that sprung up in resistance to the construction of an airport. […]