NEW ZINE: Fighting Where We Stand – Documents Regarding A Mass Anti-Fascist Mobilization in Sacramento, CA on June 26th, 2016
download zine here This was originally published on the 7th anniversary of the anti-fascist mobilization in Sacramento last year to commemorate the struggle and literal blood lost on that day. It was printed for the Seattle Anarchist Bookfair of 2023, handed out personally to comrades new and old. Now, eight years later, we bring to […]

NEW ZINE: SHARPer Times – Portland Anti-Racist Action and Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice
In partnership with the “It Did Happen Here” podcast, we are pleased to announce our second installment in zines about anti-racist skinhead organizing in Portland during the 1990s. The “It Did Happen Here” podcast is an independently produced podcast that documents the fight against racist white boneheads in the 1980’s and 90’s in Portland, Oregon. […]

Zine: Wolves of Vinland – A Critical Look at a Fascist “Counter-Cultural Tribe” in the Pacific Northwest
Days after the election in 2016, Rose City Antifa published an article on the Wolves of Vinland, a quickly growing fascist motorcycle gang with ties to neo-Nazi organizations throughout the Pacific Northwest. 1312 Press formatted the article into zine format for easy tabling and dissemination in the music scenes up and down the Puget Sound, […]

New Zines for the George Floyd Rebellion
This summer has been tumultuous to say the least. We were lucky enough to pair up with an excellent aesthetic designer and put together a handful of zines that are for and of the national anti-police rebellion that took over cities and suburbs across the country. Attacking Liberal Delusions – zine This zine collects a […]

Skin in the Game: How Anti-Semitism Animates White Nationalism
“To recognize that antisemitism is not a sideshow to racism within White nationalist thought is important for at least two reasons. First, it allows us to identify the fuel that White nationalist ideology uses to power its anti-Black racism, its contempt for other people of color, and its xenophobia—as well as the misogyny and other […]