Zine: Support Antifa Prisoners
By 1312 Press on 2020/10/14
1312 Press partnered up with the International Antifascist Defense Fund to put together a zine collecting addresses and short bios of a list of anti-fascist prisoners across the world. As some anti-fascist comrades will find their sentences expired and get released into the world outside of prison, surely we will also find more of our […]
Posted in Anti-Fascist, Anti-Police, Zine | Tagged antifa, suppport antifa prisoners, zine

Zine: Football Against Fascism – On The Growing Anti-Fascist Tendency In U.S. Soccer
By 1312 Press on 2020/10/08
In the summer of 2019, soccer supporters across the United States banded together across rivalries and competition to form #AUnitedFront against a ban against the use of anti-fascist imagery and language on banners inside of soccer stadiums. By the end of the season, countless supporters had been kicked out of and banned from their stadiums […]
Posted in Anti-Fascist, Zine

New Zines for the George Floyd Rebellion
By 1312 Press on 2020/10/08
This summer has been tumultuous to say the least. We were lucky enough to pair up with an excellent aesthetic designer and put together a handful of zines that are for and of the national anti-police rebellion that took over cities and suburbs across the country. Attacking Liberal Delusions – zine This zine collects a […]
Posted in Anti-Police, General, White Supremacy, Zine

Support Eric King – Benefit T-Shirts for Sale!
By 1312 Press on 2020/03/04
Order a t-shirt here Eric King is an anarchist political prisoner and poet convicted of an attempted arson via a molotov cocktail of an empty state representative’s office in solidarity with the Ferguson uprising. Eric was sentenced to 10 years and is serving time in the federal prison system. He remains outspoken against the BOP […]
Posted in General

Memories from La ZAD
By 1312 Press on 2019/12/09
This zine comprises a series of articles that appeared in Black Seed #3 in the Spring of 2015, an irregularly produced green-anarchy journal. These articles came from participants in what has become known as la ZAD, a rather large years-long forest occupation in France that sprung up in resistance to the construction of an airport. […]
Posted in Anti-Colonization, Anti-Police, Land Struggle, Occupation

Native Resistance and the Carceral State
By 1312 Press on 2019/02/28
This zine is a transcript from an episode of the podcast Rustbelt Abolition Radio, and 1312 Press publishes it in print-form in conjuncture with that project. We see carceral society as an extension of colonization. For the shared liberation of land and people, systemic imprisonment must come to an end. Rustbelt Abolition Radio is an […]
Posted in Anti-Colonization

Skin in the Game: How Anti-Semitism Animates White Nationalism
By 1312 Press on 2019/02/28
“To recognize that antisemitism is not a sideshow to racism within White nationalist thought is important for at least two reasons. First, it allows us to identify the fuel that White nationalist ideology uses to power its anti-Black racism, its contempt for other people of color, and its xenophobia—as well as the misogyny and other […]
Posted in Anti-Fascist, Anti-Semitism, White Supremacy

Spray Paint & Patriarchy: An Interview with N.O. Bonzo
By 1312 Press on 2018/12/06
N.O. Bonzo is a muralist and graffiti artist in Portland, OR who has been using her platform to articulate a feminist, anti-fascist message. It’s Going Down published an interview with N.O. Bonzo in 2016, and 1312 Press took that interview and formatted it into a zine in an effort to push a feminist and anti-fascist […]
Posted in Graffiti, Zine | Tagged feminism, graffiti, misogyny, no bonzo, patriarchy, white supremacy

In Defense Of Graffiti
By 1312 Press on 2018/12/06
What follows is the text of an article that appeared at the height of the Occupy movement and was originally published on Anti-State STL. This article was a direct response to the outcry of those who participated in the protests and assemblies that constituted Occupy and were outraged when other participants used the art of […]
Posted in General

Keep Hoods Yours: An Interview
By 1312 Press on 2018/12/05
Keep Hoods Yours (KHY) was/is a graffiti crew in the San Francisco bay area who committed prolific acts of vandalism and graffiti against police, gentrification and white supremacy. They coordinated successful campaigns against white supremacist businesses and their tags could be seen alongside anti-police uprisings in San Francisco and Oakland. The Final Straw Radio published […]
Posted in Graffiti, Zine | Tagged anti-police, gentrification, graffiti, patriarchy, rape culture, white supremacy